I just wanted to redirect your attention for a moment to the other wonderful blogs over to your right in my blog list. I'm assuming you have checked them out already. If you haven't you should! If you like my stuff, check out theirs too! I'd especially like to send a shout-out to Mindy Z! Make sure you visit her at: mindyz.blogspot.com! Also, I want to send out a shout to Evie! Check her out at tgbackburner.blogspot.com! Be sure to get corrupted on her page as well! *smirk*
The New Girl in Town
Hey everyone! This is my first cap. I hope you like it. It took me a while to figure everything out, so I hope this came out okay. I would like to thank Evie for having an excellent tutorial on her page. She makes incredible captions, so if you haven't checked out her work, you should. Also be sure to check out the other great writers listed on this page. Their work is awesome, and I've found them to be exciting and inspirational! I'd also like to thank Donniegee for the pic. Anyway, I'll post as much and as often as I can. Obviously, feedback is appreciated. Enjoy.
Coming Soon!
Hi everyone! Michelle here. I'm working on putting this blog together but I hope to have it going soon! Stay tuned!
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