

I just wanted to redirect your attention for a moment to the other wonderful blogs over to your right in my blog list.  I'm assuming you have checked them out already.  If you haven't you should!  If you like my stuff, check out theirs too!  I'd especially like to send a shout-out to Mindy Z!  Make sure you visit her at: mindyz.blogspot.com!  Also, I want to send out a shout to Evie!  Check her out at tgbackburner.blogspot.com!  Be sure to get corrupted on her page as well!  *smirk*


  1. Wow, I never knew there is so much material about the sissification on the internet... nice surprise! By the way, you're doing a great job here!

  2. Thank you!! And yes, there sure is a lot out there.
